Robot Enthusiast

Hello, this is my Portfolio

  • Computer Vision
  • Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
  • Classical Controls
  • Deep Learning
  • MS in Robotics Engineering, 2024

    Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worceter, Massachusetts.

  • B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2022

    Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India


Woven Planet
Research Intern (Computer Vision and Deep Learning)
Nokia Bell Labs
June 2023 – August 2023 NJ, USA
  • Collaborating with a team of researchers to create a Semantic 3D map reconstruction using Nueral Randiance Field (NeRF).
Woven Planet
Summer Research Intern
Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)
May 2022 – August 2022 Hamburg, Germany
  • Worked with the HULK (Humanoid Robot Team) of TUHH under teh guidance of Prof. Herbert Werner.
  • Worked on trajectory generation and optimization of walking for humaoid robot.
  • Implemented computer vision algorithms for edge detection and horizon detection on images as well as videos taken by the humanoid robot, which further performed object detection and tracking using various ML algorithms.
Velodyne Lidar
Lab Member, Treasurer
July 2019 – May 2022 Nagpur, India
  • Worked on various research project under the gudiance of Dr. Shittal Chiddawar, namely
    • Reconfigurable Quadrupedal Bipedal Snake Robot (ReQuBiS)
    • Hand Gesture Control of Computer Features
  • The position help me build skills like teamwork, communication, research and financial management for the lab.




RBE502 Robot Control
CS549:Reinforcement Learning
CS541:Deep Learning
RBE550:Motion Planning


Reconfigurable Quadrupedal-Bipedal Snake Robots (ReQuBiS)
Developed reconfigurable robotics snake with the ability to configure them into a quadruped and bipedal structure.
Structure from Motion and Tiny NeRF
Python implementation of Structure form motion on given set of images and tiny NeRF model implementation.
Motion Planning Algorithms
Implemented various algorithms like RRT,RRT*,A*,Dikjstras,BFS,DFS and PRM algorithms.
Heuristic based approach for multi agent path planning
Developed a novel heuristic based A* MAPF algorithm with feasible motion primitives, which imply the non holonomic constraints.
Attention U2Net
Implementation of Attenion block in U2Net architecture to enhance its performance.
Camera Calibration
Python implementation of camera calibration using Zhang's method.
Probability-based edge detection
Implementation of Probability-based edge detection algorithm to detect significant edge.
Hand Gesture Control of Computer Features
Executed the commands of laptop using simple hand gestures. Implemented ultrasonic sensors, microcontroller used to identify the hand gestures and execute the desired command on laptop.
Controls and trajectory generation for walking gaits of Nimbro.
Designed and implemented a walking trajectory algorithm for Nimbro humanoid robot for Robocup.
Vision and Object Detection for Nimbro
Custom made autonomous ground vehicle to navigate in a static indoor setup.
Panorama Stiching
Computer Vision project.
